Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's About Teamwork

Compiled by, Darlene G. Snyder

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Written by:
Cindy Canoy
Shelby, NC

My experience as a pastor's wife ranges across 27 years. I've always felt as a pastor and wife, we are a team. I try to be by my husband’s side as much as possible during all aspects of his ministry. This practice enables me to get to know church members more quickly.

One piece of advice I would give is stand with the pastor at the close of worship services to greet the congregation. This lets the church know that you are united in your efforts to be a pastor/wife team at the church and helps the wife to get to know the congregation.

The pastor's wife should focus on what her gifts are and only accept responsibility for leadership roles that truly are her gifts. She must keep in mind she will need to attend many functions as the pastor's wife so she shouldn't obligate herself to lots of other leadership roles in the church. It's not possible for the wife to be at every function her husband must attend but she should support him in as many areas as she is able to do.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Grow in the Lord

Compiled by, Darlene G. Snyder

Brenda Easterling
Gamaliel, KY

As a pastor's wife, I feel blessed and privileged to share this most important calling of God with my husband. We’ve been in this Gospel Ministry since 1974. It’s not always been easy however, living the Christian life is not suppose to be easy.

I was very young when we surrendered to God’s call. I had just turned 22 years old when we began our first spiritual journey: going back to school. That was a big challenge for me personally because I was moving away from family and friends and my mother had just passed away a few months before we would leave Michigan. There were other big challenges in those days. My father remarried within three months following my mothers passing. My family life was changing so much. Not only was I a wife and mother; soon I would be the pastor's wife too. So I stepped out of my comfort zone and said, “Yes” to God’s leading. We knew without question that God was leading us.

With one young son and my expecting our second, we embarked on our move to school. What an adventure! I was not only young but a very shy wife and mother with little self-confidence. To the best of my understanding I did believe and trust the Lord to provide and meet our needs. My husband, who would become pastor, was a Godly man and at the young age of 29 when we left for school. He had wisdom and knowledge and experience that I didn’t feel I had yet attained. That was comforting to me. Also I knew without a shadow of a doubt he was definitely called to be a pastor.

One of the most important things I have learned down through these years is to be the person God wants you to be. Grow in the Lord and as you grow and develop the Lord will use you for His glory!

You should always be a good listener and prayer partner for your husband. Let him use you as his sounding board. He needs your tender love and support at all times. Be gentle in your criticism to him. I believe every pastor and every pastor's wife are different because they are unique in their own personality yet the Holy Spirit leads both of them. You should never pattern your life after another pastor or pastor's wife. You are unique and God places you where you can carry out His purpose and plans. Seek His purpose for your calling in the church or place He calls you.

Does a Pastor's Wife Really Need Inspiration?

By, Darlene G. Snyder

Pastors' wives (PW"S) aren’t much different from other wives. Even so, their duty in the church and home is unlike most. Responsibilities differ from those not serving in this capacity. Most PW's have concerns, fears and a strong desire to serve Christ. Their spouses often must put others first. Interruptions in their family life are common occurrences.

Traditionally, the wives are considered part of the package with their pastor husbands. Usually, the first question someone will ask when interviewing a prospective pastor is, "Does your wife play the piano?"

Before two weeks was up, I believe everyone in the first small church my son served asked April, his wife that very question. Eventually they learned she had no real musical talent.

The new pastor's wife generally faces expectations to be a super pastor's wife. Many balk at that expectation and will quickly refute those expectations. Others though, fall to the demands of the church and then they don't know how to find relief. These pastor's wives are the ones who end up rattled and frazzled.

Yes, PW's need inspiration. Who should inspire the PW? The simple answer is, other PW's who are serving in the same or similar role. That's where this blog comes into play.

As a bit of history, a few years ago when my daughter-in-law became a new PW, she was clueless as to what to do or where to turn for advice. I searched our local bookstore and for a suitable book to purchase as a gift to her. I didn't find what I was looking for so I began a compiling advice from PW's across the United States.

What I discovered in the process is that there are many PW's in need of inspiration. Going through the process, I thought that other PW's would learn from and gain inspiration through these submissions. That is why I'm here. To share with you, The Pastor's Wife the information and advice I uncovered in the process of putting this book together.

If you like what you read here, please forward the link to this blog to your friends, write a comment, or send me an email and let me know what you think.



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Information Coming

Compiled by, Darlene G. Snyder

It's coming.

Check back in a few days.

You'll be glad you did.

Pinky Promise