Compiled by, Darlene G. Snyder
by Connie Coppings
Paintsville, Ky.
I guess you could say the theme of our 22 1/2 years in the pastorate would be "Together in Ministry." From our early days as a parsonage couple we've made it a point for people in the church and community to see us as a team. Now this doesn't mean that I constantly follow my husband to every meeting, or that I'm a part of every conversation he has, but it does mean there are many things we do to show we're united in our ministry and our marriage.
At the end of every service on Sunday morning, we join hands after he pronounces the benediction and walk to the door to greet people together. It is good for the congregation to see us working together. Visitors to our churches often comment on this and say they're never seen that done before. My husband also says it serves a second purpose, he can't keep up with all the things people tell him as they're leaving, so he depends on me to "record and file" all this and tell him later when we get home.
Like most pastors, my husband has to write articles for newsletters and bulletin inserts. He closes each one with "Together in Ministry" and signs our names. Although I do freelance writing, I do not compose these for him, but he has me read them and give feedback. It is a small way I can support him in his work.
Beyond Sunday services, my husband is invited to speak at other functions. I don't have to attend everything and my husband has never asked me to do so. I go to support and encourage him, and I've received so many blessings on those occasions when I've done so instead of sitting at home. I know this is harder for some spouses to do when there are small children or other obligations. However, I encourage you to "be present" whenever possible.
We both feel it is important for others to see good marriages in action. Recently someone asked us to teach a marriage class and we asked them, "Why us?" They commented that so many people had noticed our relationship and they wanted to know how we had accomplished that. We were honored to be asked and a great time teaching the two six-week sessions to engaged and married couples.
Even when we retire someday, it is our hope to continue to serve as a team for as long as we can in whatever way God sees fit to use us.
May God bless you and your spouse as you serve together in ministry. May others see His love and grace in all you do and be drawn to a closer walk with Him.
Seminarian Era
5 weeks ago
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