By: Darlene G. Snyder
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As part of a blog tour for publisher Jeanann Duckworth and her Devotions to Go books, here's a review of Pastors’ Wives Devotions to Go that I thought readers would appreciate. If you have an opportunity to read this book, I'd be interested in what you think.
Pastors' Wives Devotions to Go
Beverly Henry's book is a look at the role of the pastor's wife and is filled with encouragement for women in ministry.
Henry includes many humorous antidotes, such as an expectant pastor's wife with toilet paper stuck to her shoe and a pastor's wife who opens the door to yell to her family that she is "taking her clothes off now," to find unexpected guests confused at her declaration. She takes opportunity to teach life lessons from the antidotes. Lessons such as," Your position as a pastor’s wife gives you power in the eyes of others, whether you feel it or not. How you act and react to life situations either opens or closes doors to
the people who enter your life," came after a story about two women of different personalities became friends as a result of a kitchen accident. The reaction of one of the women changed the other woman for a lifetime.
One of the things I enjoyed about this book is how it touches on the various aspects of a pastor's wife role. Her use of humor allows readers to smile and relate to each incident mentioned. Henry does a good job including subject matter such as, difficulty of leaving a church to go minister in another place, dealing with embarrassing situations and how pastors' wives can make a difference in the lives of women in the church. Henry also includes a daily Bible verse that goes along with her subject.
JeanAnn Duckworth, CEO of Extreme Diva Media, publishes a series of Devotion To Go books with titles such as, Fearless Moms Devotions to Go, Moms over 50 Devotions to Go and Frazzled Moms Devotions to Go, just to name a few. With the rushed lives that most of us lead, these purse size books are perfect to have on hand while waiting in a doctor's office, while stuck in traffic, on planes and even resting at the beach.
If you are interested in investigating this series of books, you can go to the Extreme Diva Web site here. The books cost $8.95 each with standard shipping cost of $2.00. If you order Devotions to Go 6 Months Subscription in June, you'll receive a free copy of Christmas Devotions to Go in December. This allows you to purchase 7 books at the price of 5. Now, that is the kind of deal I like.
Seminarian Era
5 weeks ago
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