Compiled by, Darlene G. Snyder
by Connie Coppings
We live in a world of change. People want to change their weight, clothing styles, body features---and they go to great lengths by going on crash diets, spending money they don't have, or putting their bodies through dangerous cosmetic surgeries. All this to achieve a desired "perfect" image.
As role models in ministry we can get caught up in thinking we have to "be" and "look" perfect. Our lives are in a constant fishbowl and sometimes we succumb to the standards set by humans and lose sight of what God wants for us. Flawless beauty is an elusive dream as our bodies are always changing and have imperfections. The pursuit of perfection leaves our emotions in a constant state of frustration. Frustrated people have a hard time looking beautiful.
When I first became a pastor's wife, I got caught up in the world's way of thinking of beauty. However, over the years I've learned to respect and love the person God has created me to be. Perhaps I'll never make it onto a magazine cover, but I'm a whole lot more fun to be around when i let go of the world's image of beauty. I asked God what would make me beautiful to Him and this is what I've learned.
When God is allowed full access to my life, His presence evokes a gentle and quiet spirit which emits a beauty that cannot be humanly created. It isn't destroyed by age or other earthly influences. People may admire physical beauty, but they are drawn to those who posses an inner beauty. I love the chorus which says, "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me."
There's nothing wrong in making changes to our outward appearance, but we also need to nurture our inner self. I've enjoyed the little books titled, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff," and I believe that to be a truth of inner beauty. When I get overly concerned about an outfit, or deny myself quiet time in order to do something that makes me look good---I am not being true to who God has called me to be. He isn't worried about my clothing or how much I accomplish, but I believe my Lord desires that I do and say things that will bring others into a closer relationship with Him.
Another "beauty secret" is remembering to laugh each day. (learn this lesson early in your ministry) Proverbs says, "A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance." Helping others carry their burdens can be draining on your mental and physical well-being. Find ways to bring humor into your daily routine, such as movies, books, or friends who can help you lighten up.
My husband and I are animal lovers and we can attest to the fact that they can bring many hours of joy into a home. Our dog, Eli, seems to know when we need to loosen up. We can be talking very seriously and he runs into the room, snaps his green tennis ball across the floor, and looks as if to say, "OK, now for some fun!"
As representatives of God on this earth, we need to be good stewards of the body and mind we're given so that we may show others how they too can discover their own inner beauty. What a beautiful world this would be!
Father, may Your sweet, sweet Spirit dwell within us so that we may be a sweet fragrance in the lives of those we serve.
Seminarian Era
5 weeks ago
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